Monday, February 4, 2019

Australian Plastic Fabricators Have Got You Covered

You’d be amazed how many ways plastic fabrication services could benefit your business. It’s probably not something you’ve considered, or maybe you’re just not sure what the services include, but it’s well worth finding out.

Australian plastic fabricators now have access to the latest technology, so they can pretty much do anything from creating custom business signs to plastic welding and designing unique plastic components.  

The secret lies in finding a supplier who combines knowledge, experience and the right equipment. For example, you’d want your supplier to have their own CNC router and laser cutting machines. By getting everything done in-house you’ll get bigger savings, a faster turnaround and continuity.

Plastic Fabrication Services

By using a CNC program, designs can be accurately created, proofed and stored for future use. That means that when you need more products, a quick phone call will suffice; there’s no need to start it all from scratch again.

Plastic fabrication services can work with all types of plastic, from acrylic and Perspex to PVC and PETG. They can also advise you on the best material for your design and budget. When it comes to business signage, the choice is impressive.

Australian Plastic Fabricators

Plastic can be laser cut and etched and incorporate different colours and shapes. It’s perfect for architectural signage, as it’s so easy to produce 3D fabricated letters. 

Often compared to glass, due to its smooth surface and clear finish, acrylic is extremely versatile for business signage. In fact, it offers many advantages over glass, as it is lightweight, durable and very easy to customise. Plastic signage is also weather-resistant and termite-resistant – both very important in Queensland!

The best Australian plastic fabricators use CAD programs to design and modify components, allowing the product to be viewed from all angles and perfected before the actual production stage. Be sure to ask what programs your local plastic fabricator uses.