Friday, March 22, 2019

Discover How Plastic Fabrication Services Can Make You Greener

Isn’t it great, the work that’s being done to create ‘greener’ plastics, and to recycle more plastic? When you read shocking headlines about plastic waste, it’s easy to think the worst. However, plastic has a lot to offer the modern world.

When people talk about reducing plastic use, they’re talking about throwaway products, such as plastic food containers, plastic cutlery, straws and so on. Industrial plastic is quite a different field altogether.
Plastic Fabrication Services

Australian Plastic Fabricators

Australian plastic fabricators have been finding innovative new ways of working with the raw material for years. You’d be amazed how many uses it has in manufacturing and engineering, just for starters.

Take the automotive industry, for example. We demand lighter, safer, more economical cars and plastic fabrication services make this possible. Many components previously made from metal are now being produced in plastic. This makes the parts cheaper and easier to replace and, because the vehicle is lighter, the fuel economy is better.

Using plastic instead of metal can mean cost savings of 25% to 50% to the manufacturer. Plastic components also offer high strength, reliability and faster manufacturing times. The design flexibility is certainly impressive, and packaging and shipping is much cheaper.

Plastic Fabrication Services

That’s all great but how about this? Plastic can last up to six times longer than metal, which makes it a more environmentally friendly product. It means less waste, fewer raw materials and the ability to recycle. It also cuts out the need for machining and other secondary processes.

When Leo Hendrik Baekeland invented Bakelite in 1907, little did he know how much this early invention would change the industrial world. Since then, the plastics industry has evolved to match not only need, but also the demand for environmentally friendly products.

Australian plastic fabricators have played an important role in this and today, you can find them in your area, ready to help you grow your business.

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